Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
Socom: Fireteam Bravo 2
$10.00 each.
Resistance: Retribution - $19.98.
If there is any PSP who's a fan of shooters out there that hasn't picked up Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, I'd be surprised. It's a must-have if you ask me, especially at that price. When I was talking about Socom: Fireteam Bravo 1, I mentioned that I'd like to have gotten Socom: FTB 2 for that price ($10.00) and lo & behold.. it finally arrives! So I picked that one up.
Y'know, it's an "interesting" time for PSP owners/fans.... on one hand, there can be some pretty amazing deals to be scooped up. When I first bought a PSP in 2006, most PSP games were in the price range of $50.00-$60.00! It was brutal. Not having any prior experience with handheld gaming consoles, I was shocked... I expected home console games to cost that much, but handheld ones?
But as we all know, the PSP has fallen into some hard times the last couple years, despite having some gems come out. I blame Sony for a portion of the problem, they keep undercutting their own gains with moves like releasing the PSP-3000 shortly after the PSP-2000, which killed the momentum that the PSP-2000 started. Now everyone is scared of touching anything PSP-related, retailers & consumers alike... and it feels like we're looking at the decline of the system. Will it soon be replaced by PSP Go!, or a "PSP 2"?
But because of this fear, there's some clearance/liquidation sales out there, and those $50.00 games of 2007 are turning into $10.00 games of 2008/2009. I guess I can be somewhat happy for that at least. Sheesh... I sure didn't mean to bring this topic down, I was originally posting just to inform of a good deal. So yeah, yay for deals.
Interesting indeed, although the Source beats them all these days, as long as you're not loooking for something specific: I found Monster Hunter Freedom 2 for $4.96 yesterday, and some games were even on sale for 96 cents!
Those are killer deals for sure. It's very YMMV though with The Source, as I said... all my local stores have been pretty much long picked clean of game deals.
Just got Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow for $10 at Walmart. Although I'm not a fan of FPS games, reading the reviews and trying the demo convinced me to give it a chance for that bargain price.
At my local Wal-Mart, there's a $10.00 bin of games... I noticed that there were stacks & stacks of "Logan's Shadow"s in there.... it's kinda sad, hopefully the game sold well. Even though I had my criticisms with it, I still think it's one of the best PSP games.
Let me know how you like it. If you like Logan's Shadow, you'll probably like Dark Mirror too.
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